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Undergraduate Ethics Honors Students

Faith Fernandez
▪ Major: Anthropology
▪ Minor: Political Science
▪ Thesis Topic: The Collapse of Consensus: Balancing Liberty and Public Health in a Polarized Era
▪ Minor: Political Science
▪ Thesis Topic: The Collapse of Consensus: Balancing Liberty and Public Health in a Polarized Era

Brandon Kim
▪ Major: Philosophy
▪ Thesis Topic: On Moral Injury and the Disfiguring Lens
▪ Thesis Topic: On Moral Injury and the Disfiguring Lens

Isaac Lozano
▪ Major: Political Science
▪ Thesis Topic: Towards a Critique of Social Mobility at Elite Universities
▪ Thesis Topic: Towards a Critique of Social Mobility at Elite Universities

Ursula Neuner
▪ Major: Symbolic Systems
▪ Thesis Topic: A Normative Analysis of Algorithmic Risk Assessment in Criminal Sentencing
▪ Thesis Topic: A Normative Analysis of Algorithmic Risk Assessment in Criminal Sentencing

Annika Penzer
▪ Major: Philosophy
▪ Minors: Human Biology, Archaeology, Human Rights
▪ Thesis Topic: The Right to Die: A Rights Theory Analysis of Physician-Assisted Death for Severe Mental Illness
▪ Minors: Human Biology, Archaeology, Human Rights
▪ Thesis Topic: The Right to Die: A Rights Theory Analysis of Physician-Assisted Death for Severe Mental Illness

Shaye Story
▪ Major: Political Science
▪ Thesis Topic: Hawaiian Cuisine: Identity and Indigenous Resurgence
▪ Thesis Topic: Hawaiian Cuisine: Identity and Indigenous Resurgence