The Buzz Blog

Photo of Ethan McAvoy

Although housing activists argue that housing is a human right, the current U.S. economic climate and the real estate market are putting that “right” increasingly out of reach, especially for…

Photo of Willoughby J. Winograd

The Bay Area is the birthplace of the modern environmental conservation movement. The natural beauty of the region is, in large part, the direct legacy of the first generation of environmental…

Photo of Ananya Karthik

While physical borders are the most obvious sites of U.S. immigration policy issues, Ananya Karthik tackles the less visible technologies that help shape immigration enforcement. Her Ethics in…

Photo of Liana Keesing

Installing a smart home surveillance system seems logical and relatively inexpensive in light of narratives about increasing property crime. But, in her Ethics in Society Honors thesis, “Mr.…

Photo of Tori Qiu

“What are you going to do after college graduation?” is the ubiquitous question facing all graduates. The answer typically depends on the individual’s major, personal interests, their location and…