Stanford, CA 94305
This film vividly documents the effects of our global love affair with fish as food. It examines the imminent extinction of bluefin tuna, brought on by increasing western demand for sushi; the impact on marine life resulting in huge overpopulation of jellyfish; and the profound implications of a future world with no fish that would bring certain mass starvation. The End of the Line, which was filmed across the world (from the Straits of Gibraltar to the coasts of Senegal and Alaska to the Tokyo fish market), lays the responsibility squarely on consumers who innocently buy endangered fish, politicians who ignore the advice and pleas of scientists, fishermen who break quotas and fish illegally, and the global fishing industry that is slow to react to an impending disaster. As the film points out, the solutions to this problem are simple and doable, but political will and activism are crucial to solve this international problem. Faculty talk back led by Roz Naylor (Food Security and the Environment).