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The Ethics of Wealth: "Justice, Wealth, Taxes: A View from the Perspective of Rabbinic Judaism" Aryeh Cohen

Wed May 22nd 2013, 12:00 - 1:30pm
Event Sponsor
McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society, Taube Center for Jewish Studies, Department of Religious Studies
Bldg. 360 - CCSRE Conference Room
The Ethics of Wealth: "Justice, Wealth, Taxes: A View from the Perspective of Rabbinic Judaism" Aryeh Cohen

Aryeh Cohen is Associate Professor of Rabbinic Literature at American Jewish University where he has held an appointment since 1995. He was Chair of Jewish Studies in the College of Arts and Science from 1995-2000 and Chair of Rabbinic Studies in the Ziegler School from 2001-2005.

Dr. Cohen has also taught at Hebrew Union College/Jewish Institute of Religion, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and at Brandeis University.  Dr. Cohen is one of the founders of the Shtibl, a Hassidic egalitarian minyan, which combines the passion of ecstatic prayer with commitments to egalitarianism and social justice.