"Ancient Philosophies as Ways of Life"
Thursday's Lecture is titled:
Platonist Philosophie as a Way of Life: Plotinus
Respondents: Jaclyn Maxwell (Ohio University) and Anthony Long (UC Berkeley)
John Cooper is Henry Putnam University Professor of Philosophy and author of Reason and Human Good in Aristotle, which was awarded the American Philosophical Association's Franklin Matchette Prize; and two collections of essays, Reason and Emotion: Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory (1999) and Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy (2004). His work in ancient Greek philosophy spans the areas of metaphysics, moral psychology, philosophy of mind, ethics, andpolitical theory.
This is the Second of the two-part Tanner Lectures.
More information will be posted on a later date.
Commentators:Alan Code (Philosophy, Stanford)Anthony Long (Classics, Berkeley)Jaclyn Maxwell (History, Ohio University)Sarah Broadie (Philosophy, University of St Andrews)