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Past Tanner Lectures

YearSpeakerslecture titles
2024Rev. Dr. William J. Barber III. We Are Called to Be a Movement
2023Tommie ShelbyI. “How Racial Stereotypes Wrong”
  II. "Resisting Racial Stereotypes"
2023Seth LazarI. "Governing the Algorithmic City"
  II. "Communicative Justice and the Political Philosophy of Attention"
2022Cécile FabreI. "Valuing Humankind Heritage"
  II. "Justice and Humankind’s Heritage"
2022Richard WranghamI. The Evolution of Societal Patriarchy: Human Groupishness
  II. The Origins of Societal Patriarchy and its Moral Consequences
2019Anne CaseI. "Deaths of Despair"
2019Angus DeatonII. "Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism"
2018Samantha Power I. "Resisters in Dark Times"
  II. "Diplomacy after Darkness"
2017Richard Kraut I. "The Richness of Human Experience"
  II. "Virtue and Experience"
2015Andrew BacevichI. "America's War for the Greater Middle East: Origins and Conduct"
  II. "America's War for the Greater Middle East: Consequences"
2014Danielle Allen I. "Education and Equality: Two Concepts of Education"
  II. "Education and Equality: Participatory Readiness"
2014Nicholas Lemann I. "The Transaction Society: The Turn Against Institutions"
  II. "What Transactions Can't Do"
2012 William Bowen I. "The Productivity Problem in Higher Education"
  II. "Prospects for an Online Learning Fix"
2012 John CooperI. "Ancient Philosophies as Ways of Life: Socrates"
  II. "Platonist Philosophie as a Way of Life: Plotinus"
2011Elinor Ostrom I. "The Challenge of Sustainability: Frameworks"
  II. "Analyzing 100-Year-Old Irrigation Puzzles"
2010 Mark DannerI. "Imposing the State of Exception: Constitutional Dictatorship, Torture and Us"
  II. "Naturalizing the State of Exception: Terror, Fear and the War Without End"
2009 Roberto UngerI. "The Future of Religion and the Religion of the Future"
2008 Michael Tomasello I. "Ontogenetic Origins of Human Altruism"
  II. "Phylogenetic Origins of Human Cooperation"
2007 Glenn LouryI. "Racial Stigma, Mass Incarceration and American Values: Ghettos, Prisons, and Racial Backlash"
  II. "Social Identity and the Ethics of Punishment"
2006David Brion Davis I. "Exiles, Exodus and Promised Lands"
2005 Avishai MargalitI. "Indecent Compromise"
  II. "Decent Peace"
2004Harry FrankfurtI. "Taking Ourselves Seriously"
  II. "Getting it Right"
2003Mary RobinsonI. "Human Rights and Ethical Globalization"
  II. "The Challenge of Human Rights Protection in Africa"
2002Paul KrugmanI. "Intractable Slumps"
  II. "Currency Crisis"
2001Dorothy AllisonI. "Mean Stories and Stubborn Girls"
  II. "What It Means to Be Free"
2000Jared DiamondI. "Modern Lessons from Ecological Collapses of Ancient Civilizations"
  II. "When do Green Values Pay Off for Big Businesses?"
1999Randall KennedyI. "Who Can Say 'Nigger'? … and Other Related Questions"
1998Arthur Kleinman I. "The Danger of Social Experience: Suffering in Local and Global Perspectives"
  II. "The Moral, the Political, and the Medical: Ethnographic and Clinical Approaches to Human Engagement"
1997Barbara Herman I. "Moral Literacy: Responsibility and Moral Competence"
  II. "Can Virtue Be Taught? The Problem of New Moral Facts"
1996Nancy Fraser I. "Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: From Redistribution to Recognition" 
  II. "Toward an Integrated Conception of Justice"
1995Amy GutmannI. "Responding to Racial Injustice: What's Wrong with Color Blindness?"
  II. "What's Right about Race Consciousness?"
1994  Thomas E. Hill, Jr.I. "Respect for Humanity: Basic Respect and Cultural Diversity"
  II. "Must Respect Be Earned?"
1993Colin Renfrew I. "Archaeology, Language and Genetics: The Origins of Diversity"
  II. "Who were the Greek? A Problem of Ethnicity"
1992  Charles TaylorI. "Modernity and the Public Sphere"
  II. "Dialogical Agency"
1991Gerald Cohen I. "Incentives and the Interpersonal Test"
  II. "Incentives and the Difference Principle"
1990János Kornai I. "The Experience of the East European Experiment"
  II. "Illusions and Fallacies: The Political, Sociological and Ethical Aspects"
1989Stephen GouldI. "Unpredictability in the History of Life"
  II. "The Quest for Human Nature: Fortuitous Side Consequences dnd Contingent History"
1988Ronald Dworkin I. "Foundations of Liberal Equality"
1987Gisela Stiker I. "Greek Ethics and Moral Theory"
  II. "Happiness as Tranquility"
1986Stanley Cavell I. "The Uncanniness of the Ordinary"
  II. "Skepticism, Melodrama, and the Extraordinary: The Unknown Woman in "Gaslight"
1985Michael SloteI. "Moderation, Rationality and Virtue"
1984Leonard Meyer I. "Music and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century"
1983David Gauthier I. "The Incomplete Egoist: From Rational Choice to Moral Theory"
1982Alan Stone I. "Psychiatry and Morality"
1981Charles Fried I. "Is Liberty Possible?"
1979Michel Foucault I. "Omnes et Singulatim: Towards a Criticism of 'Political Reason'"
1979 Amartya SenI. "Equality of What?"
  II. "The Case for a Consequentialist, Non-Utilitarian Theory of Rights"
1977 Thomas Nagel "I. "Equality"
1977 Joel FeinbergI. "Voluntary Euthanasia and the Inalienable Right to Life"