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Past Tanner Lectures
Year | Speakers | lecture titles |
2024 | Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II | I. We Are Called to Be a Movement |
2023 | Tommie Shelby | I. “How Racial Stereotypes Wrong” |
II. "Resisting Racial Stereotypes" | ||
2023 | Seth Lazar | I. "Governing the Algorithmic City" |
II. "Communicative Justice and the Political Philosophy of Attention" | ||
2022 | Cécile Fabre | I. "Valuing Humankind Heritage" |
II. "Justice and Humankind’s Heritage" | ||
2022 | Richard Wrangham | I. The Evolution of Societal Patriarchy: Human Groupishness |
II. The Origins of Societal Patriarchy and its Moral Consequences | ||
2019 | Anne Case | I. "Deaths of Despair" |
2019 | Angus Deaton | II. "Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism" |
2018 | Samantha Power | I. "Resisters in Dark Times" |
II. "Diplomacy after Darkness" | ||
2017 | Richard Kraut | I. "The Richness of Human Experience" |
II. "Virtue and Experience" | ||
2015 | Andrew Bacevich | I. "America's War for the Greater Middle East: Origins and Conduct" |
II. "America's War for the Greater Middle East: Consequences" | ||
2014 | Danielle Allen | I. "Education and Equality: Two Concepts of Education" |
II. "Education and Equality: Participatory Readiness" | ||
2014 | Nicholas Lemann | I. "The Transaction Society: The Turn Against Institutions" |
II. "What Transactions Can't Do" | ||
2012 | William Bowen | I. "The Productivity Problem in Higher Education" |
II. "Prospects for an Online Learning Fix" | ||
2012 | John Cooper | I. "Ancient Philosophies as Ways of Life: Socrates" |
II. "Platonist Philosophie as a Way of Life: Plotinus" | ||
2011 | Elinor Ostrom | I. "The Challenge of Sustainability: Frameworks" |
II. "Analyzing 100-Year-Old Irrigation Puzzles" | ||
2010 | Mark Danner | I. "Imposing the State of Exception: Constitutional Dictatorship, Torture and Us" |
II. "Naturalizing the State of Exception: Terror, Fear and the War Without End" | ||
2009 | Roberto Unger | I. "The Future of Religion and the Religion of the Future" |
2008 | Michael Tomasello | I. "Ontogenetic Origins of Human Altruism" |
II. "Phylogenetic Origins of Human Cooperation" | ||
2007 | Glenn Loury | I. "Racial Stigma, Mass Incarceration and American Values: Ghettos, Prisons, and Racial Backlash" |
II. "Social Identity and the Ethics of Punishment" | ||
2006 | David Brion Davis | I. "Exiles, Exodus and Promised Lands" |
2005 | Avishai Margalit | I. "Indecent Compromise" |
II. "Decent Peace" | ||
2004 | Harry Frankfurt | I. "Taking Ourselves Seriously" |
II. "Getting it Right" | ||
2003 | Mary Robinson | I. "Human Rights and Ethical Globalization" |
II. "The Challenge of Human Rights Protection in Africa" | ||
2002 | Paul Krugman | I. "Intractable Slumps" |
II. "Currency Crisis" | ||
2001 | Dorothy Allison | I. "Mean Stories and Stubborn Girls" |
II. "What It Means to Be Free" | ||
2000 | Jared Diamond | I. "Modern Lessons from Ecological Collapses of Ancient Civilizations" |
II. "When do Green Values Pay Off for Big Businesses?" | ||
1999 | Randall Kennedy | I. "Who Can Say 'Nigger'? … and Other Related Questions" |
1998 | Arthur Kleinman | I. "The Danger of Social Experience: Suffering in Local and Global Perspectives" |
II. "The Moral, the Political, and the Medical: Ethnographic and Clinical Approaches to Human Engagement" | ||
1997 | Barbara Herman | I. "Moral Literacy: Responsibility and Moral Competence" |
II. "Can Virtue Be Taught? The Problem of New Moral Facts" | ||
1996 | Nancy Fraser | I. "Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: From Redistribution to Recognition" |
II. "Toward an Integrated Conception of Justice" | ||
1995 | Amy Gutmann | I. "Responding to Racial Injustice: What's Wrong with Color Blindness?" |
II. "What's Right about Race Consciousness?" | ||
1994 | Thomas E. Hill, Jr. | I. "Respect for Humanity: Basic Respect and Cultural Diversity" |
II. "Must Respect Be Earned?" | ||
1993 | Colin Renfrew | I. "Archaeology, Language and Genetics: The Origins of Diversity" |
II. "Who were the Greek? A Problem of Ethnicity" | ||
1992 | Charles Taylor | I. "Modernity and the Public Sphere" |
II. "Dialogical Agency" | ||
1991 | Gerald Cohen | I. "Incentives and the Interpersonal Test" |
II. "Incentives and the Difference Principle" | ||
1990 | János Kornai | I. "The Experience of the East European Experiment" |
II. "Illusions and Fallacies: The Political, Sociological and Ethical Aspects" | ||
1989 | Stephen Gould | I. "Unpredictability in the History of Life" |
II. "The Quest for Human Nature: Fortuitous Side Consequences dnd Contingent History" | ||
1988 | Ronald Dworkin | I. "Foundations of Liberal Equality" |
1987 | Gisela Stiker | I. "Greek Ethics and Moral Theory" |
II. "Happiness as Tranquility" | ||
1986 | Stanley Cavell | I. "The Uncanniness of the Ordinary" |
II. "Skepticism, Melodrama, and the Extraordinary: The Unknown Woman in "Gaslight" | ||
1985 | Michael Slote | I. "Moderation, Rationality and Virtue" |
1984 | Leonard Meyer | I. "Music and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century" |
1983 | David Gauthier | I. "The Incomplete Egoist: From Rational Choice to Moral Theory" |
1982 | Alan Stone | I. "Psychiatry and Morality" |
1981 | Charles Fried | I. "Is Liberty Possible?" |
1979 | Michel Foucault | I. "Omnes et Singulatim: Towards a Criticism of 'Political Reason'" |
1979 | Amartya Sen | I. "Equality of What?" |
II. "The Case for a Consequentialist, Non-Utilitarian Theory of Rights" | ||
1977 | Thomas Nagel " | I. "Equality" |
1977 | Joel Feinberg | I. "Voluntary Euthanasia and the Inalienable Right to Life" |