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Summer Teaching

The Center for Ethics in Society offers graduate students opportunities to teach summer classes through our Hope House Scholars Program.

Reflecting on her experience teaching a summer class at Hope House, former graduate student Allison Anoll said that Hope House was a fantastic opportunity to learn to teach in a new setting with students very different from Stanford undergrads: "The experience has expanded my capacities as a teacher, challenging me in new and unexpected ways."

To date, over 15 graduate students have taught summer courses to the women of Hope House. They have come from departments such as Political Science, Philosophy, English and the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages. Previous course titles include:

  • Friendship
  • Political Participation in the United States: Foundations to Present
  • What is Literature for?

If you're interested in teaching at Hope House in the future, please contact Joan Berry at hhscholarsprogram [at] (hhscholarsprogram[at]gmail[dot]com).

 Full list of past courses