Get Involved
Getting Involved
We’re always interested in meeting Stanford faculty, post docs, graduate students, and undergrads who want to get involved. (These are volunteer opportunities, not paid positions.)
Faculty, Post Docs and Grad Students Instructors
Instructors are usually selected in the Spring for the upcoming summer and the following academic year. Classes can be team taught or taught solo.
Generally, we have 3 - 4 undergraduate writing tutors per quarter and we give preference to students who can commit to more than one quarter. Tutors are selected as vacancies become available.
Email hhscholarsprogram [at] (Joan Berry) or mhulstyn [at] (Michaela Hulstyn) for more information about participating in the Hope House Scholars Program as an instructor or tutor.
Reflections from faculty, grad students, and undergrads who've participated in our Hope House Scholars Program
"Teaching at Hope House certainly was an extremely powerful experience for me. The times that I worked with these women may have taught me much more than I was able to transmit to them. Teaching takes on added urgency and importance when viewed from the standpoint of students who want to reconstruct their lives. I felt an enormous responsibility and challenge to convince them that the classroom could be a venue for transformation, as well as joy and illumination, and not the source of the failure that many had internalized."
Elise - Grad Student
"Teaching at Hope House has been a highlight of my time at Stanford. I was initially a little apprehensive about stepping out of the familiarity of the proverbial ivory tower, but my first session with the students at Hope House immediately put me at ease. My students were motivated, enthusiastic, grateful to grapple with difficult course content, and generous in drawing on personal experiences to enrich class discussion. I ended up learning as much from my students as I suspect they learned from me."
"I cherish the time I spent at Hope House and highly recommend the experience!"
Adelaide - Undergrad
"Tutoring at Hope House is one of the greatest privileges of my time at Stanford because it has deepened my appreciation for the unique ideas that every human being brings to the world. Hope House has allowed me to witness the most honest discussions of academic texts and their relation to the lived human experience. Engaging with powerful ideas in the humanities should not be confined to a small seminar classroom on a college campus. Instead, our collective education is enriched when we discuss these materials across different age groups, backgrounds, and life situations. I am extremely grateful to the women at Hope House for broadening my understanding of the world. This new perspective will undoubtedly shape my path beyond Stanford."